COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEEDuties and Responsibilities: The Communications Workgroups oversee all SABM® communications to ensure that themes and content are consistent with SABM®'s mission. It also aims to link marketing strategies with revenue generation. The (4) four taskforces will consist of the following: Newsletter/Scoop, Website, Webinars and PBM Awareness/social media. Other communications activities include brochures, translations, external initiatives, and World Anemia Day. Chair: Becky Rock, RN, SABM Secretary Call Schedule: As Needed WORKGROUPSNEWSLETTER/SCOOP WORKGROUPDuties and Responsibilities: The Newsletter and Scoop Workgroup are responsible, in collaboration with the management team, to choose and create content for SABM Newsletter, recommend authors for sections, ensure accuracy of content, and develop and modify format and section designations.
SOCIAL MEDIA & WAD/PBMAW WORKGROUPDuties and Responsibilities: The Social Media & PBMAW Workgroup will oversee and enhance social media platform content, increase social media engagement, and clarify the identity of the social media owners of each platform and who has access as managers. Work with management for oversite on marketing and planning for PBMAW. Chair: Becky Rock, RN, SABM Secretary WEBSITE WORKGROUPDuties and Responsibilities: The workgroup will review entire existing content/accuracy of website in collaboration with management, oversee content modifications throughout the year. Work with Scientific Committee subgroup to maintain updated references/citations. Chair: Becky Rock, RN, SABM Secretary WEBINAR WORKGROUPChair: Becky Rock, RN, SABM Secretary If you are interested in joining this committee, please click here to express your interest. |