Individual Memberships

Join us!

Being part of the SABM organization is vital to your professional development and advancing patient blood management education in health care.

SABM has six (6) classes of individual memberships: Active, Affiliate, Corresponding, Emeritus, Honorary, and Student. SABM Membership runs from January 1 to December 31.

Renew your existing membership online. Or complete the PDF version of the membership application and send to [email protected].

Active Member

Active membership shall be open to those individuals who have a demonstrated interest in, are involved in vocations related to, or contribute to the field of blood management as determined by the Board of Directors at its discretion. Active Members shall have full membership rights and privileges, including the right to vote and to serve on the Board of Directors and as officers of the Society. Active member types are:

Allied Health $200 USD
RN, CCP, CRNA, NP, PA, Director, Manager, Supervisor, Coordinator, PharmD, R.Ph, or PhD

Executive $250 USD


Physician $250 USD

Technologist $50 USD
MT (ASAP), Lab Tech, Cell Saver Tech, Anesthesia Tech, Blood Bank Tech, EMT/ Paramedic

Other: Contact SABM
If your job/occupation is not listed here, please submit a request to the SABM Membership committee for evaluation at [email protected]. To join online apply here.

Individual Industry Member ($300 USD)

Individual Industry membership is open to those individuals who provide, or are employed by enterprises that provide, products or services to a blood management program or otherwise to the field of blood management. To join online apply here.

Corresponding Member ($100 or $50 USD)

This type of membership is available to individuals who qualify as Active Members, but who seek a membership fee discount. Residents of countries defined by the World Bank in the Middle Income/Upper Middle Income category have the option of joining SABM at the discounted annual membership rate of $100 and those defined as Middle Income/Low Middle Income or Low Income at $50. Corresponding membership does not include the right to vote, serve on the Board of Directors, or hold office.

Contact [email protected] for more information. Proof of residency is required. To join online apply here.

Emeritus Member ($0 USD)

Emeritus membership shall be open to those individuals who have maintained an Active membership and contributed to the Society for eight (8) or more consecutive years and who (a) have reached the age of 65, (b) are no longer engaged in active medical practice, or (c) are no longer employed in the field of patient blood management. Any Active member may request that their membership status be transitioned to Emeritus membership by submitting a written request to the Membership Committee at [email protected]. An Emeritus member shall not be required to pay membership dues, shall not have any voting rights or be eligible to serve as an officer or on the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

Student/Physician Resident Member ($0 USD)

Student/Physician Resident membership is open to those individuals who are enrolled in an accredited education program. Student/Physician Resident membership is limited to the period of time that the individual is enrolled in such program but not exceeding five (5) years. Physician Residents, until completed with residency, are considered students. Student/Physician Resident membership does not include the right to vote, serve on the Board of Directors, or hold office.

Apply online or renew your existing membership.