Mentorship Program

Get involved in the NEW SABM MENTORSHIP PROGRAM and take your PBM program to a new level! The Mentorship Program continues to connect SABM members with one another in supportive, mentoring relationships.

How does the Mentorship Program work?

While mentorship is traditionally formed as a 1:1 partnership, SABM offers a unique and exciting approach. The Program works to form small groups or pods in which one Mentee is paired with two or more Mentors, with attention to the needs, skill sets, geographical location, and other, of all participants. This ‘team-approach’ to Mentorship enables multiple perspectives for coaching, resources for questions, opportunities for networking, and much more. Mentorship pods are assigned for a duration of one year. After the introductory email, groups are encouraged to connect as soon as possible to begin developing their plans and goals for the year, including when and how to communicate (e.g., telephone calls, virtual meetings, emails, etc.). Whenever possible, all groups are encouraged to cap off their year with a special/joint project, and to try to meet in-person at the SABM Annual Meeting. After the year is complete, mentorship groups are encouraged to (and often do!) stay in touch to share successes and continue supporting the growth of Patient Blood Management (PBM).

What are the benefits?

For “Mentees", the Program offers the opportunity to tackle professional development goals, learn about available resources, develop greater expertise in the field of PBM, and more. By sharing their insights and experience with others, ‘Mentors’ benefit by the opportunity to increase leadership skills, help advance the field of PBM practice, and more.

How to take part?

The Mentorship Program is a benefit of SABM membership. It is open to all SABM members who are interested in taking part.

If you are not yet a member of SABM, join HERE

If you would like to participate either as a Mentee or a Mentor, please fill out the application form HERE

If you are interested but would like more information, please email us HERE. A SABM volunteer will get in touch to answer any questions you might have.