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SABM 2019 Newsletter Publication
Editor: Kevin T. Wright Associate Editor: Majed Refaai, MD
Christine Cahill, MS, BSN, RN Mary Ann O'Brien, RN, MSN, CCRN, CNE
Contributors for This Issue
Eloa Adams, MD Leon Binette, RN Carolyn Burns, MD Tiffany Hall, RN Queeneth Kalu, MD Sherri Ozawa, RN Prakash Patel, MD Becky Rock, RN Stephanie Smith, RN Nathaniel Usoro, MD Sarah Walbolt, BSN, RN
Marketing Carmen Melseth
SABM Officers and Directors
© 2019 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 USA Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272 EMAIL: [email protected]
- Aburawi MM, Fontan FM, James F Markmann. Synthetic hemoglobin‐based oxygen carriers are an acceptable alternative for packed red blood cells in normothermic kidney perfusion. Am J Trans 2019; 19: 9820. DOI: 10.1111/ajt.15375
- Boissoneault L. Lugworm blood coming soon to a pharmacy near you. 2019.
- Gomez MF, Aljure O, Ciancio G, Lynn M. Hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier rescues double-transplant patient from life-threatening anemia. Am J Trans 2017.
- Jansman MMT, Hosta-Rigau L. Recent and prominent examples of nano- and microarchitectures as hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2018; 260: 65-84.
- Mackenzie CF, Pitman AN, Hodgson RE, Sussman MJ, Levien LJ, Jahr JS, Greenburg AG. Are hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers being withheld because of regulatory requirement for equivalence to packed red blood cells? Am J Ther 2015 Jul-Aug; 22(4): e115-21.
- Meng F, Kassa T, Jana S, Wood F, Zhang X, Jia Y, D’Agnillo F, Alayash AI. Comprehensive biochemical and biophysical characterization of hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier therapeutics: all HOCs are not created equally. Bioconjug Chem. 2018 May 16; 29 (5): 1560-1575.
- Mer M, Hodgson E, Wallis L, Jacobson B, Levien L, Snyman J, Sussman MJ, James M, van Gelder A, Allgaier R, Jahr JS. Hemoglobin glutamer-250 (bovine) in South Africa: consensus usage guidelines from clinician experts who have treated patients. Transfusion 2016; 56 (10): 2631-2636.
- Njoku M, Peter D, Mackenzie CF. Haemoglobin-based oxygen carriers: indications and future applications. Br J Hosp Med 2015; 76 (2): 78-83.
- Ohta H, Kaga M, Li H, Sakai H, Okamura K, Yaegashi N. Potential new non-invasive therapy using artificial oxygen carriers for pre-eclampsia. J Funct Biomater 2017; 8 (3): 32.
- Seeber P, Shander A. Basics of blood management. New York, NY: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
- Thompson D. Another step closer to artificial blood. 2016.
- Weiskopf RB, Beliaev AM, Shander A, Guinn NR, Cap AP, Ness PM, Silverman TA. Addressing the unmet need of life‐threatening anemia with hemoglobin‐based oxygen carriers. Transfusion 2017; 57 (1): 207-214.

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