Jobs BoardPosting FeesThe minimum service fee is $225 (net) for fewer than 100 words. Over that, each additional group of words up to 25 is another $25. There is no reduction in the fee if there is a request to run the ad for less than 60 days on the website. Word Count Cost
Institutions/companies looking for employees can post an ad here for 60 days for a fee. The website is updated weekly, and ads are usually posted within a week after they are received. Members of SABM may place a Position Wanted ad for themselves free of charge as a benefit of membership. The Position Wanted ad will appear on the website for 60 days. If you have any questions or wish to post an ad, please contact [email protected]. A copy of the ad must be emailed and include the following information for posting:
If the posting is being requested by a non-member or institution, the contact person will be contacted for credit card payment. *We do not accept display ads, logos, or art. Postings appear as classified line ads. You cannot post an ad directly to the website; you must email the ad to SABM. SABM does not offer job placement services. Those seeking employment are responsible for contacting employers directly. Job Listings