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SABM 2018 Newsletter Publication Schedule
March | July | November
Carolyn Burns, MD Editor
Tiffany Hall, RN Associate Editor
Sherri Ozawa, RN Kevin Wright
Contributors for This Issue
Allison Jones, PhD, RN
Becky Rock, RN
Marketing & Membership Services Carmen Melseth
SABM Officers and Directors
© 2018 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 USA Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272 EMAIL: [email protected]
Members / Mentors
Over the past year, SABM has welcomed 131 new members. Our current total of active members is 525, putting us on track for a record-breaking year! The Membership Committee conducted a phone drive to contact graced or lapsed members and encourage them to renew their membership prior to the Annual Conference. We have gained several new hospital affiliates, and recognized them for their dedication to PBM at the Annual Conference. In addition, we revised the SABM brochure to reflect updates in the SABM membership categories and the new SABM branding. Finally, we recognized all active members through distribution of SABM lapel pins in the welcome packets provided at the Annual Conference.
Mentorship Program
Over the year, numerous SABM members joined the Mentorship Program looking to either find support in a Mentoring relationship or to provide support and share their expertise. The Mentorship Program helped to pair these Mentees and Mentors in one-on-one relationships where they were welcomed to work together in whatever way they saw best.
Over the past year, the Mentorship pairs connected in a variety of ways, typically by phone or by email, to share experiences and insights, struggles and successes. The purpose?—to provide meaningful engagement and foster success in the field of Patient Blood Management.
A “Mentorship Meet-Up” was held during the Welcome Reception at the Annual Meeting of SABM, held recently in Brooklyn, NY—it was a great chance for the Mentorship pairs to meet face-to-face and we were excited to meet them, too! It was wonderful to see the growth in these relationships in such a short period of time. It was particularly thrilling to have one of our most recent Mentees sign back on for the next year…to help as a MENTOR! In this person’s experience, the Mentoring relationship was so valuable, she was compelled to ‘give back’ and do what she could to help someone else.
If you’re a SABM member, you might want to consider taking part. If you are new to SABM and are looking for support, encouragement and help navigating SABM’s many resources, consider signing on as a Mentee. If you have been a member of SABM for even a short period of time, and can provide even an hour or two per month to provide tips, insights, encouragement & support, we would love to have you sign on as a Mentor—you can’t imagine the difference you can make and how valuable the experience will be for you, too.
If you would like more information, visit the Mentorship page on the SABM website or reach out to the SABM office to be connected with the Program.
Ann Marie Gordon, PA-C, MLS (ASCP); Sara Bakhtary, MD and Carolyn Burns, MD
SABM Mentors and Mentees (L-R): Ann Marie Gordon, PA-C, MLS (ASCP); Sara Bakhtary, MD; Shamekia Copeland, RN; Carolyn Clancy, MSN, CNS, APRN; Lisa Manganaro, RN; Carolyn Burns, MD; Sarah Walbolt, MD; Tricia Bochey; Sharon Sledge, MA, MS, RN; Ish'Shah Sherd, BSN, RN and Becky Rock, RN
Sarah Walbolt and Sharon Sledge, MA, MS, RN
Shamekia Copeland, RN and Carolyn Clancy, MSN, CNS, APRN
Tricia Bochey and Ish'Shah Sherd, BSN, RN

