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SABM 2018 Newsletter Publication Schedule

March | July | November

Carolyn Burns, MD

Tiffany Hall, RN
Associate Editor

Sherri Ozawa, RN
Kevin Wright

Contributors for This Issue

Allison Jones, PhD, RN 

Becky Rock, RN

Marketing & Membership Services
Carmen Melseth

SABM Officers and

© 2018 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street
Englewood, NJ 07631 USA
Phone: (928) 551-6400
Fax: (877) 944-2272

News & Events

PBM International Leaders

PBM International Leaders

Standing (L-R): Prof François Christory, NATA; Pierre Tibi, MD, SABM President; James Brown, MHA, SABM At-Large Director; Richard Melseth, SABM Executive Director; Prof Jens Meier, NATA; Mohammed Farouk, MD, MBA, Africa-AfSBT; Hongwen Ji, MD, PhD, China-CSPBM; Aryeh Shander, MD, FCCM, FCCP, FASA, SABM Advisory Director; Sheldon Goldstein, MD, SABM At-Large Director; Jonathan Waters, MD, SABM At-Large Director; John Freedman, MD, Canada-OnTRAC; Seth Perelman, MD, SABM At-Large Director; Prof Marc Samama, NATA; Marco Pavesi, MD, Italy-PBM SIAARTI-ANEMO; Jean-Francois Hardy, MD, Canada-NATA; Prof Hans Gombotz, MD, Europe-IFPBM and AIT;

Seated (L-R): A/Prof Axel Hofmann, ME, Europe-IFPBM; Nabil Hassan, MD, SABM Immediate Past President; Sherri Ozawa, RN, SABM President-elect; Tiffany Hall, RN, SABM At-Large Director; NurJehan Quraishy, MD, SABM At-Large Director; Elvira Bisbe, MD, Spain-MAPBM; Maria Beatrice Rondinelli, MD, Italy-IPBM; Susan Goobie, MD, FRCPC, SABM At-Large Director; Jong Hyeon Lee, MD, Asia-Pacific-ASPBM; Becky Rock, RN, SABM At-Large Director and Prof Christoph Zenger, PhD, IFPBM.

SABM Committee Chairs - Allison Jones, RN, PhD; Prakash Patel, MD; James Brown, MHA, CCP, LP

SABM Committee Chairs - Allison Jones, RN, PhD; Prakash Patel, MD; James Brown, MHA, CCP, LP

Poster Presentation - Sara Bakhtary, MD

Poster Presentation - Sara Bakhtary, MD

Nabil Hassan, MD;

Nabil Hassan, MD; Pat Ford, MD

Exhibitor Demonstration

Exhibitor Demonstration

Discussion at Exhibitor Booth

Discussion at Exhibitor Booth

Aryeh Shander, MD, FCCM, FCCP, FASA

Aryeh Shander, MD, FCCM, FCCP, FASA

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