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Standard of the Quarter
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The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM)
invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate in this week dedicated to educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management.

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Patient Blood Management Awareness Week 2017
Poster and Timeline

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Please consider making a donation to your Society. Your donations will help us to improve the lives of people throughout the world through Patient Blood Management.

SABM 2017 Newsletter Publication Schedule

February | May | August | November

Carolyn Burns, MD

Associate Editor
Tiffany Hall, RN

Arthur Bracey, MD
James Brown, MHA, CCP
Carolyn Burns, MD
Elizabeth Dackiw, RN
Nabil Hassan, MD
Tiffany Hall, RN
Becky Rock, RN
Kevin Wright
Meredith Reyes, MD
Ananthi Krishnamoorthy

Executive Director
Sherri Ozawa, RN


SABM Officers and


Standard of the Quarter

Standard # 11- Management of Anemia in Hospitalized Patients

There is a process for early identification of hospitalized patients at risk for transfusion due to anemia or at risk for developing anemia during the course of their hospitalization. Anemia is actively managed to reduce the likelihood of transfusion.

An important part of a patient blood management program is to evaluate a patient’s risk of transfusion and then take steps to reduce that risk. Many patients admitted to the hospital are anemic at the time of admission as a result of their admission diagnosis or co-morbidity, or are at risk to develop anemia while in the hospital due to unavoidable surgical or procedural blood loss. Recognition, diagnosis, and initial treatment of anemia as early as possible prior to and during an inpatient admission may help avoid the need for transfusion during that hospital stay or in the future. Since even mild anemia is associated with poorer outcomes in a variety of conditions, treatment of anemia without use of allogeneic red cell transfusion may improve patient outcomes even in patients not at immediate risk of transfusion.

Indicator 11.3 states: Hospital protocols facilitate appropriate diagnosis, evaluation, and management of anemia. Management strategies help minimize the likelihood of transfusion. Many hospitals do not have these protocols established or even recognize the importance of anemia management in the care of their patients.

Multiple societies have endorsed recommendations from the American Board of Internal Medicine’s Choosing Wisely® Campaign that are directed at better anemia prevention and management. SABM and The Society for Hospital Medicine co-authored The Anemia Prevention and Management Implementation Guide. This guide provides a framework for hospital based anemia management quality improvement projects, resulting in better quality care at reduced cost. One of the editors of this guide, Dr. Benjamin Hohmuth, MD, MPH Director of Hospital Medicine Central Region and Director of Patient Blood Management at Geisinger Health System was a recently featured presenter for SABM on Quantia MD. His presentation, Anemia and the Hospitalized Patient, was an excellent overview and provided case study examples of the importance of Standard 11 with regard to the recognition and management of anemia in the hospitalized patient.

SABM’s is recognized as the leader in Patient Blood Management. The SABM PBM Standards  assist practitioners and institutions that wish to establish a formal organization-wide comprehensive patient blood management program. These Standards should be used to accelerate adoption of evidence-based practices and clinical guidelines in any institution, bringing proven treatment and management strategies that improve patient outcomes at the bedside.

 Contributor: Tiffany Hall, RN


PBM for Patient Blood Management Section

Save the Date for SABM's Annual Meeting
September 6 – 9, 2017
Hilton & Executive Tower
Portland, Oregon

PBM Certificate Course
September 6, 2017
7:00am – 6:00pm

Annual Meeting
September 7 – 9, 2017

Submit an Abstract to Present at the 2017 Meeting

Consider submitting your future manuscripts in PBM for peer review and publication in this new section. The success of this endeavor will depend on the provision of material to make it lively and attractive to our colleagues and other professionals in the field.

 Members Invited to Submit Papers CLICK HERE

 Join SABM's Call to Action for Medicare to Expand Coverage for Treatment of Anemia!

HERE for detailed information about what you can do to get involved.

©2017 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street
Englewood, NJ 07631
Phone: (928) 551-6400
Fax: (877) 944-2272
EMAIL: [email protected]