Winter 2017 ISSUE

The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM) invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate in this week dedicated to educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management.
Download SABM's Patient Blood Management Awareness Week 2017 Poster and Timeline
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SABM 2017 Newsletter Publication Schedule
February | May | August | November
Editor Carolyn Burns, MD
Associate Editor Tiffany Hall, RN
Contributors Arthur Bracey, MD James Brown, CCP Carolyn Burns, MD Elizabeth Dackiw, RN Nabil Hassan, MD Tiffany Hall, RN Becky Rock, RN Kevin Wright Roger True, MD Sandy Mann, RN Jackie Nusbaum, RN Nathaniel Usoro, MD
Executive Director Sherri Ozawa, RN
SABM Officers and Directors
Featured Affiliate: The ProMedica Patient Blood Management Program

Sherri Ozawa and Dr. Frank with Jackie Nusbaum, RN (with Plaque) and Sandy Mann, RN receiving SABM Hospital Affiliate Recognition
It seems to me that we often teach things backwards. For example, we teach academic math and then expect students to apply it to real problems. In reality the problems present first and then problem solvers developed the math to resolve them. That is how ProMedica Patient Blood Management came about. The program was born in 1993 when myself and another representative of the Jehovah's Witness community approached the physicians and administration of Flower Hospital explaining the need for a hospital program to actively treat Jehovah's Witnesses without blood products. The program was then developed to resolve that problem. At first the hospital was doubtful that there would be as much need and support as we indicated for the program. An Open House was held in October of 1993 to introduce the Bloodless Care Program to the public. The hospital was told to expect as many as 1,000 people. From previous open house experiences, they estimated that it was more likely to attract about 300. When 3,000 guests lined up and patiently waited over an hour for the opportunity to tour the hospital and learn about the Bloodless Care Program the administration was amazed... and sent someone to Kroger for more cookies.
The Bloodless Care Program at Flower Hospital grew. Hospital roommates of Bloodless Care patients took note and asked if they could be treated without blood as well. At in-service programs about Bloodless Care, nurses and other hospital staff indicated treatment with proactive intervention to avoid blood transfusion was how they would want to be treated. Along the way physicians championed the program. Soon some saw how these principles could address their patient’s needs. A group of Orthopedic surgeons wanted to apply pre-op blood management in their patient population. Bloodless Care jumped at the opportunity and our pre-op anemia program was born. As a result, transfusion rates for elective knee and hip replacements dropped from 12-20% down to < 1%. Cardiothoracic surgeons at ProMedica have also actively involved the ProMedica Patient Blood Management team in their patient care. Other surgery champions have begun to pursue the health care safety and cost benefits of blood management as well. The Surgical Co-Management team has involved the blood management department in pre-op evaluation and treatment in several categories of patients. The ProMedica Bloodless Care/Blood Management Program is gaining recognition for the value and benefits it provides to patients.
From these beginnings the ProMedica Patient Blood Management program has grown. With evidence that the facets that make up bloodless care treatments were effective and safe, ProMedica has embraced the blood management philosophy. We continue in efforts to integrate our new EHR with tools to educate, promote, and monitor Blood Management applications throughout the ProMedica Health Care System. Already the benefits are being realized. From 2010 - 2016 a 40% reduction in transfusions was realized at The ProMedica Toledo Hospital. In 2015 alone a 20% reduction has been realized in transfusions system wide. Current interventions promise to result in larger reductions in the future. Post discharge follow up and treatment of anemic patients reduce the likelihood of repeated admissions and fewer transfusions. Physician education focused on PCPs doing pre-op clearance promises earlier program intervention on patients having elective surgery.
Over the years our program has worked in affiliation with the National Association for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery (NABMS) and the Association for Blood Conservation (ABC). With the solid foundation that SABM has established as the foremost agency on blood management we are proud to be working with them as a part of the international movement to providing quality medical care with blood conservation. For some of our patients, medical care without blood products is a spiritually based need. For others it is a best practice focus that limits morbidity and preserves precious resources. For all of us it is another step that we can take together to assure our patients the best in care medically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. What is the ProMedica Patient Blood Management program planning for the future? Working with SABM, AABB, and JCAHO we anticipate advances in integration of blood management more fully throughout the ProMedica Healthcare System. The result will be reduced complication rates, reduced costs, and improved patient satisfaction. As members of SABM already know this also leads to something much more … a sense of personal satisfaction and pride in delivering patient care the best we can.
Contributors: Roger A. True MD (Medical Director), Jackie Nusbaum RN (Coordinator), and Sandy Mann RN (Assistant Coordinator)
PBM for Patient Blood Management Section

Save the Date for SABM's Annual Meeting September 6 – 9, 2017 Hilton & Executive Tower Portland, Oregon
PBM Certificate Course September 6, 2017 7:00am – 6:00pm
Annual Meeting September 7 – 9, 2017
Members Invited to Submit Papers CLICK HERE
Join SABM's Call to Action for Medicare to Expand Coverage for Treatment of Anemia!
Click HERE for detailed information about what you can do to get involved.
©2017 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street
Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272
EMAIL: [email protected]