The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM) invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate in this week dedicated to educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management.
Download SABM's Patient Blood Management Awareness Week 2017 Poster and Timeline
Please consider making a donation to your Society. Your donations will help us to improve the lives of people throughout the world through Patient Blood Management.

SABM 2017 Newsletter Publication Schedule
February | May | August | November
Editor Carolyn Burns, MD
Associate Editor Tiffany Hall, RN
Contributors Arthur Bracey, MD James Brown, CCP Carolyn Burns, MD Elizabeth Dackiw, RN Nabil Hassan, MD Tiffany Hall, RN Becky Rock, RN Kevin Wright Roger True, MD Sandy Mann, RN Jackie Nusbaum, RN Nathaniel Usoro, MD
Executive Director Sherri Ozawa, RN
SABM Officers and Directors
Letter from the President

Dear Members and Affiliates,
It is with much excitement and energy that we begin yet another year and thus, I wish to start right out of the gate with my resounding thanks to each of you. You are the core and the heart of this organization.
The Newsletter staff have welcomed you, highlighting the extensive and innovative material to anticipate in this Winter 2017 release. Review each section and enjoy.
On my behalf, I wish to focus on two chief topics as SABM enters 2017:
We embark on a newly refreshed strategic plan for our professional society which hones our skills and will help us become even more effective on both the national and international stages. Thank you to all who took part in this great effort to realign and revitalize our mission.
We also welcome Ms. Nicole Singleton and her staff at The Adept Group as our new management company. They have been fabulous with the transition and are already working diligently and with such commitment getting to know us and to begin sharing in our journey. We thank them for these efforts and look forward to an excellent relationship.
Having these two elements, from an organizational perspective, can only serve to launch SABM to the next level. A Happy New Year to all. I, personally, look forward to working with, meeting and greeting so many of you during 2017.
And, of course, mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting in Portland where we will once again engage in learning and celebration of our society.
Dr. Nabil Hassan
Save the Date for SABM's Annual Meeting September 6 – 9, 2017 Hilton & Executive Tower Portland, Oregon
PBM Certificate Course September 6, 2017 7:00am – 6:00pm
Annual Meeting September 7 – 9, 2017
Join SABM's Call to Action for Medicare to Expand Coverage for Treatment of Anemia!
Click HERE for detailed information about what you can do to get involved.
©2017 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street
Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272
EMAIL: [email protected]