The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM) invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate in this week dedicated to educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management.
Download SABM's Patient Blood Management Awareness Week 2017 Poster and Timeline
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SABM 2017 Newsletter Publication Schedule
February | May | August | November
Editor Carolyn Burns, MD
Associate Editor Tiffany Hall, RN
Contributors Carolyn Burns, MD Pierre Tibi, MD Tiffany Hall, RN Becky Rock, RN Kevin Wright
SABM Officers and
Letter from the President
Dear SABM Colleagues:
It is with great pride and humility that I assume the position of President for SABM during the next two years. I have been astounded at the tireless devotion and contribution of so many members in fulfilling the mission of SABM, that of a patient centered approach to blood management. I hope to be worthy of the honor.
This is an exciting time for SABM. The importance of managing modifiable risks, and the increasing data about the positive impact this has on patient outcomes inspires us to strengthen our efforts. The evidence base for the clinically sound utilization of blood as well as the known and unknown risks of transfusion and financial burden of unnecessary treatment has achieved worldwide attention. All of this is due in great part by the work of researchers, physicians, nurses and many other disciplines associated with patient care, all of whom are represented in SABM. Our 2017 Meeting in Portland, Oregon was a great success, highlighted by our Certificate Course, excellent research presentations, industry workshops and presentation of actual clinical scenarios. Yet now, our work resumes with many exciting projects for the New Year.
2018 is poised to be a banner year for SABM. There are many important projects that will require our attention and focus. We are forging new relationships with other organizations such as The International Anesthesia Research Society and the Society of Hospital Medicine, and strengthening our association with The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. We will redouble our efforts to address the problem of anemia in our population. We continue to partner with industry to promote research and education in the field of blood management and continue to encourage young researchers to explore their potential. I implore our members to contribute in whatever way they see fit, whether it be joining committees, canvassing for SABM or promoting our ideas, because the work that we do is important; it saves lives.
Our 2018 Annual Meeting will be in Brooklyn, New York under the capable hands of Aryeh Shander, MD and Sherri Ozawa, RN and I am confident that it will be our best meeting ever.
Pierre R. Tibi, MD President

Save the Date for SABM's Annual Meeting
September 13 – 15, 2017 New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge New York, New York
Join SABM's Call to Action for Medicare to Expand Coverage for Treatment of Anemia!
Click HERE for detailed information about what you can do to get involved.
View the New Fourth Edition Clinical Standards for PBM

View the New Second Edition Quality Guide to Administrative and Clinical Standards

© 2017 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street
Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272
EMAIL: [email protected]