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New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn, New York
PBM Certificate Course September 12, 2018
SABM Annual Meeting September 13 - 15, 2018

The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM) invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate in this week dedicated to educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management.
Please consider making a donation to your Society. Your donations will help us to improve the lives of people throughout the world through Patient Blood Management.
SABM 2018 Newsletter Publication Schedule
March | July | November
Carolyn Burns, MD Editor
Tiffany Hall, RN Associate Editor
Sherri Ozawa, RN Kevin Wright
Contributors for This Issue
Dale Black Deborah Didesch, CRNFA, BSN, BHA Becky Rock, RN Keith Samolyk, CCP Aryeh Shander, MD Stacie Smith, CLS Pierre R. Tibi, MD Jessica Varisco, RN
Marketing Director Dale Black
Membership Services Carmen Melseth
SABM Officers and Directors
Breaking Clinical News
In this edition of the SABM newsletter, we are very pleased to share a commentary by Dr. Aryeh Shander, a founding and advisory Board Member of SABM, on the recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine, entitled Restrictive or Liberal Red-Cell Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery. Dr. David Mazer, also a SABM member, is the first author on this important publication, which many of you may know as the TRICS-III trial. The primary conclusion of this study is that in patients undergoing cardiac surgery who were at moderate to high risk for death, a restrictive strategy regarding red cell transfusion was non-inferior to a liberal strategy with respect to a specific composite outcome measure. Please refer to the link below to read this valuable commentary with much more information
Download the commentary here.
Ferumoxytol IV (Feraheme®) recently received FDA approval to extend its use in adult paatients with iron-deficiency anemia. This should help all of us involved with anemia management as part of our PBM programs. Below is an excerpt from the announcement:
Feraheme® is Now a Treatment Option for All Eligible Adult Patients with Iron Deficiency Anemia
WALTHAM, Mass., Feb. 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAG) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its application to broaden the existing label for Feraheme® (ferumoxytol injection) beyond the current chronic kidney disease (CKD) indication to include all eligible adult Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) patients who have intolerance to oral iron or have had unsatisfactory response to oral iron. This sNDA approval immediately doubles the number of patients who could benefit from Feraheme to include both CKD and non-CKD patients. “Iron deficiency anemia is a serious and under-treated health condition which negatively impacts quality of life for millions of people, many of whom do not benefit from or cannot tolerate oral iron therapy,” said Michael Auerbach, M.D., Clinical Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine. “Physicians now have a new option for patients who meet the broader ferumoxytol injection indication that can be administered in 15 minutes providing a gram of iron in two doses as few as three days apart.”
View the NEW Fourth Edition Clinical Standards for PBM

Check out the NEW Second Edition Quality Guide to Administrative and Clinical Standards

Check out the SABM Executive Guide for Patient Blood Management Programs

Consider submitting your future manuscripts in PBM for peer review and publication in this new section. The success of this endeavor will depend on the provision of material to make it lively and attractive to our colleagues and other professionals in the field.
Members Invited to Submit Papers CLICK HERE
Join SABM's Call to Action for Medicare to Expand Coverage for Treatment of Anemia!

Click HERE for detailed information about what you can do to get involved.
© 2018 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 USA Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272 EMAIL: [email protected]