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New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn, New York
PBM Certificate Course September 12, 2018
SABM Annual Meeting September 13 - 15, 2018

The Society for the Advancement of Blood Management (SABM) invites healthcare organizations worldwide to participate in this week dedicated to educating patients and healthcare professionals about patient blood management.
Please consider making a donation to your Society. Your donations will help us to improve the lives of people throughout the world through Patient Blood Management.
SABM 2018 Newsletter Publication Schedule
March | July | November
Carolyn Burns, MD Editor
Tiffany Hall, RN Associate Editor
Sherri Ozawa, RN Kevin Wright
Contributors for This Issue
Dale Black Deborah Didesch, CRNFA, BSN, BHA Becky Rock, RN Keith Samolyk, CCP Aryeh Shander, MD Stacie Smith, CLS Pierre R. Tibi, MD Jessica Varisco, RN
Marketing Director Dale Black
Membership Services Carmen Melseth
SABM Officers and Directors
Featured Affiliates
Mercy Medical Center, Dubuque, Iowa Before 2012, 100% of our open heart surgery patients received blood transfusions. In 2013, Dr. Lance Bezzina, cardiothoracic surgeon, joined SABM and challenged our hospital to implement evidence-based guidelines for appropriate transfusion usage. Administration approved the formation of a blood utilization committee with the purpose of educating caregivers on clinical issues such as infection, immunological reactions, and thrombosis associated with blood transfusion, and the impacts these issues have on patient outcomes. Committee members included the cardiovascular team, ICU staff, surgeons, anesthesia, pathology, and office staff. Guidelines utilized pre-operatively included: anticoagulant management; pre-operative cocktail; and eliminating use of home herbal therapies, alcohol consumption, Celebrex, and Vitamin E prior to surgery. Intraoperatively, guidelines included the use of cellsavers, RAP lines, decreased prime volume, decreased intravenous fluids, and awareness on the part of the surgical team to keep blood loss to a minimum. By 2016, we were able to decrease our transfusion rate to 9% for CABG procedures including emergencies, 6.7% for aortic valve replacement, and 0% for mitral valve replacement.
Our committee now meets quarterly to evaluate the impact we have made on patient outcomes and to develop and coordinate new initiatives. After our experience, we are now able to assist other departments such as general surgery, orthopedics, and OB/GYN with implementing evidence-based practices to lower transfusion rates. We have also embedded these guidelines in our electronic medical record for clinical decision support. For example, a transfusion alert appears when red blood cells are ordered for hemodynamically stable patients with a hemoglobin >7g/dl.
With this success in mind, our mission is to ensure our heart program continues to lead in bloodless surgery and share knowledge learned with other team members to improve patient outcomes across the hospital.
Contributor: Deborah Didesch, CRNFA, BSN, BHA
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
Their Revolving Education Development (RED) series program was developed in 2017 to include 14 different topics or opportunities of learning. Two Italian medical students attended the first offering of this observership for the month of May, 2017 on the Blood Management Program. Dr. Samuel Mancuso and Marco Pietrarelli, RN mostly followed Dr. Scott Scheinin in the cardio-vascular operating room observing aortic dissection repair, CABG, and lung transplantation surgeries utilizing “bloodless” techniques by both the surgeon and CV anesthesiologist, along with the perfusion and autotransfusion (PBMTs) team. There were organized discussions and presentations with our preoperative clinic hematologist, Dr. Kirk Heyne and also a four hour autotransfusion class sponsored by LivaNova Xtra clinical personnel. “Bloodless” surgeries in other specialties ranging from Neurosurgery, Orthopedics and Urology were also part of the observership. Knowledge of how to start and maintain a Patient Blood Management Program was covered along with spending time in Houston Methodist’s apheresis center and blood bank with our pathology team as an integral part of learning appropriate blood management techniques. Since their return to Italy, Dr. Mancuso has completed his program in cardio-vascular and thoracic transplant, and officially began practicing at Mia Pia Hospital in Turin, Italy. The first bloodless aortic dissection repair on a Jehovah’s Witness patient was successfully performed in January of 2018. Samuel and Marco attribute their continued success in developing a “bloodless” surgical program in Italy to their time spent at Houston Methodist Hospital as part of the Revolving Education Development (RED) Series. Click the link below to view the Houston Methodist Hospital’s full brochure.
Contributor: Jessica Varisco, RN
View the NEW Fourth Edition Clinical Standards for PBM

Check out the NEW Second Edition Quality Guide to Administrative and Clinical Standards

Check out the SABM Executive Guide for Patient Blood Management Programs

Consider submitting your future manuscripts in PBM for peer review and publication in this new section. The success of this endeavor will depend on the provision of material to make it lively and attractive to our colleagues and other professionals in the field.
Members Invited to Submit Papers CLICK HERE
Join SABM's Call to Action for Medicare to Expand Coverage for Treatment of Anemia!

Click HERE for detailed information about what you can do to get involved.
© 2018 Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
350 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 USA Phone: (928) 551-6400 Fax: (877) 944-2272 EMAIL: [email protected]